
From Bilbao to Europe LIVE

Stage Right episode live from Impact Week Bilbao

Stage Right episode live from Impact Week Bilbao
© Diputación Foral de Bizkaia

Microeurope is a social investment company that promotes financial inclusion in Europe through microfinance. Seed Capital Bizkaia, alongside other anchor investors in Microeurope, brought together local actors and public funding quickly, enabling Microeurope to scale and provide affordable financial products for the underserved and climate change mitigation. 

This Impact Week session showcased the approach of investors Seed Capital Bizkaia, Phitrust and others, with an eye towards replicating the effect in sectors beyond microfinance. Tune in to this live recording featuring Oscar Ugarte Gamboa of Seed Capital Bizkaia, Svetlana Roganovic of MicroEurope and Olivier de Guerre of 
Phitrust to hear how starting local can take impact from ‘micro’ to ‘macro!’