
Corporate social impact strategies - New paths for collaborative growth

Corporate social impact strategies - New paths for collaborative growth
Luo Jinglai, VCG, Getty Images

The traditional ‘corporate social responsibility approach’ of companies is increasingly moving towards a more investment-oriented one that evaluates joint opportunities for both financial return and social impact. Here's a look at how corporations are striving for social impact and the first successful collaborations between the corporate and VP/SI world. Based on in-depth interviews and case studies, this unique report charts the attempts of corporations and corporate foundations who do just that in order to solve both social and environmental problems. The report also highlights the very first success stories in collaboration and co-investment between corporate players and venture philanthropy (VP)/social investment (SI) organisations. Successful leading companies have started to engage in and embrace ideas of Inclusive Business or Shared Value in their sustainability strategy – in addition to their established corporate social responsibility or philanthropic activities.