Maria Raurell
Director of Investments & RiskMCE Social Capital
Maria Raurell is ESADE alumni and has been working in the field of impact investing and financial inclusion since 2011. Today she holds the position of Director of Investments and Risk at MCE Social Capital - an impact investing firm that invests flexible capital in enterprises committed to generating sustainable livelihoods, with a focus on women and the environment. Previously, she has worked in Oikocredit International in the Netherlands as credit analyst, in Enclude as inclusive finance consultant, and as freelance consultant in the fields of financial inclusion and entrepreneurship. This work has allowed her to get exposure in multiple developing and emerging markets such as Côte d’Ivoire, Benin, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Mexico, Nicaragua and Pakistan among others.
In Spain, she has been collaborating with Stone Soup Consulting on impact evaluations and benchmark studies; she was also one of Oportunitas Foundation’s advisor, the first grassroots social microfinance institution in the country.