SIDI is a social investor created in 1983 by CCFD-Terre Solidaire, whose mission is to promote the financial and economic inclusion of populations excluded from traditional financial systems, mainly in rural areas. To do this, it provides local players, such as microfinance institutions and producer organizations, with suitable financing (sustainable equity investments, loans in local currency, guarantees) and tailor-made support in order to support their consolidation.

Today, SIDI supports 144 partners in 36 countries Since 2017, SIDI has adopted the Ecological and Social Transition as the central approach of its action. It promotes the use of finance as a tool of holistic, socially just and ecologically sustainable development, based on the values of solidarity, ethics and transparency. SIDI’s more than 2,000 shareholders, individuals and institutions, provide it with the means to pursue its mission and expect exclusively human, social and environmental added value in exchange.

A pioneer in solidarity-based finance in France, SIDI is certified as a social enterprise, under the legal status Entreprise Solidaire d’Utilité Sociale.
SIDI’s capital shares have also been certified by Finansol/FAIR since 1997.