The Green Rock Foundation was established as an extension of Green Rock, its parent company, to further its mission of driving destination development in Dilijan. Anchored by a deep commitment to the local community, the foundation focuses on initiatives designed to enhance the quality of life for residents through education, skill-building, and community-driven projects.
At its core, the Green Rock Foundation aims to empower the people of Dilijan, fostering a vibrant and inclusive environment and supporting local growth and sustainable tourism. By implementing innovative activities and programs, the foundation seeks to position Dilijan as a premier destination, renowned for its cultural richness, community spirit, and unique experiences.
The Green Rock Foundation operates on four key pillars:
1. Education: which aims to empower individuals through learning opportunities and skill development to unlock their full potential. One of the biggest projects of the foundation is the implementation of a hospitality school in Dilijan which will help the community to have professional education to truly help the economic growth of the region.
2. Culture: This seeks to preserve and promote Dilijan's rich heritage, fostering a sense of pride and identity within the community. This led us to create the first project of a permanent VR exposition in the local museum to promote the culture and new technologies.
3. Environment and Sustainability: focusing on initiatives that protect natural resources and encourage eco-friendly practices for a greener future. For instance, we implemented the first eco-responsible taxi in Dilijan to promote a better way to travel for tourists in Dilijan.
4. Community Development: dedicated to improving the quality of life for residents through inclusive programs and infrastructure that support social and economic growth. One of our successful projects for this pillar was to organize the first Regional Tourism Forum in Dilijan to promote MICE tourism and put Dilijan on the map of regional MICE destinations.
Together, these pillars form the foundation’s holistic approach to creating a thriving and sustainable future for Dilijan and its people.