Access - The Foundation for Social Investment


We want to see an investment eco-system that works for all charities and social enterprises, helping to create stronger communities.


We work to make sure that charities and social enterprises can access the finance they need to sustain or grow their impact. We target those most in need of patient and flexible investment through:

  • Funding enterprise development and blended finance programmes in England.
  • Sharing knowledge and data and translating it into practical insight that others can use.
  • Mobilising others who share our goal of making capital work for communities.
  • About Access – the Foundation for Social Investment
  • Through our programmes and our advocacy, we are building the capacity of the social investment ecosystem to provide blended finance and developing resilience through enterprise activity, so that charities and social enterprises can meet the evolving needs of communities across the country.
  • We have focused on two strategic themes since our inception:
  • Demonstrating the value of blended finance - By combining grants with loans into a blended package, we enable intermediaries to provide smaller scale, higher risk, more patient and flexible, and affordable finance that meets the needs of a broad range of charities and social enterprises, particularly smaller organisations or those working in disadvantaged areas.
  • Championing enterprise development - By supporting charities and social enterprises to develop enterprise models, we help organisations to find a more secure financial footing and build a more sustainable and resilient sector, better placed to meet the evolving needs of communities.