
Words of Impact

Small book of big lessons from impact-driven leaders in philanthropy, business and finance.

Words of Impact

True leaders are like lighthouses – they stand tall and solid, especially in periods of turmoil. They have a sense of overview, keeping individual boats from sailing astray. And while there can be a multitude of captains manning a fleet, there is typically only one leader or lighthouse that indicates the right direction. That being said, leading the flock can be a lonely affair. A frustrating one, too, at times.

Making new rules often requires breaking older ones. It means taking the hard road even when the whole crowd is pointing out the easier option. Leaders run into walls, face first, as often as they need to until the bricks start to crumble. It is what makes them so inspiring to follow.

For twenty years now, Impact Europe has had the great privilege of uniting many impact leaders through its network and its events. They come from different backgrounds and countries, each contributing their part of the puzzle. Year after year, we have seen them inspire the entire ecosystem with their boundless vision, innovation and creativity. Those efforts have never gone unnoticed.

To celebrate their contribution, we decided to publish a collection of their most invaluable insights. Together, they shed a prism of light on what they deem essential in realizing a just transition – perhaps the most central challenge our space faces over the next years.

We hope this collection may serve as a lighthouse, helping you avoid rocky waters and coming ashore of whatever lands you are trying to reach.  

And so we beat on, boats against the current, our gaze fixed ceaselessly on a better, impact-minded future.