Social Outcomes Contracting: Building synergies between social investors’ networks and key public stakeholders
EVPA is launching a one-year partnership with the European Investment Bank under the Advisory Platform for Social Outcomes Contracting (SOC Platform).

The Advisory Platform for Social Outcomes Contracting (SOC Platform) is a joint initiative of the European Investment Bank Group and the European Commission, hosted by the European Investment Advisory Hub. It aims to support public authorities wishing to have knowledge on and develop Social Outcomes Contracting, as well as to encourage cooperation across governments and different sectors.
Social outcomes contracting is an innovative form of procuring social services based on achieving a measurable social impact rather than outputs. It offers new opportunities for combining and directing public and private resources towards positive social impact.
Fostering the mobilisation of resources in the social impact ecosystem is one of the principles of the EVPA Charter of Investors for Impact. This partnership is a key opportunity to encourage other investors to join the investing for impact movement, and address social inclusion challenges in Europe. The EIB is looking to reinforce peer-to-peer knowledge and best practice sharing amongst SOC platform stakeholders, while also offering tailor-made support to public authorities willing to take-up SOC schemes.
With more than 315 members in 36 countries, a strong knowledge and activities around the topics of venture philanthropy, investors for impact, and payments by results mechanisms, EVPA was considered an ideal partner by the EIB under the SOC platform. Within this partnership, EVPA and EIB will provide technical expertise related to the set-up of Social Outcomes Contractings (SOCs) and Social Impact Bonds (SIBs) across the EU, and facilitate stakeholders’ and investors’ networks across Europe.
EVPA’s call for action!
Have you already been involved in designing a Social Outcomes Contracting mechanism?
Do you want to show-case best practice focusing on SOCs or SIBs?
Would you like to know which opportunities arise for investors forimpact within the Advisory Platform for Social Outcomes Contracting?
Please reach out to our Senior Policy Manager Bianca Polidoro ( to express your thoughts and questions, or to schedule a meeting.