Social Innovation Fund Ireland becomes Rethink Ireland – Annual Report

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2019 was a significant year for Rethink Ireland in terms of growth (67% increase in income), as well as developments at Rethink Ireland, with our awardees and in our policy environment.
- They raised over €8 million in philanthropic funds, which, when matched, led to a total cash income of over €16 million. They diversified their match funding to other Government departments, including for example the Dept of Employment Affairs and Social Protection. In 2019 we supported 87 of the best social innovations in Ireland.
- By the end of 2019, they were a cumulative social innovation fund of over €55 million, of which they had granted awards of over €35 million since 2016.
- They were pleased to welcome the Government's first policy on social enterprise in July 2019, and look forward to supporting its implementation.
- They also welcomed the decision of the Dept of Rural and Community Development to allocate 12.5% of its COVID-19 supports to the community and voluntary sector to an innovation fund - which Rethink Ireland is currently managing. The first round of awards will be announced at the end of August.
All of this led to our re-naming Social Innovation Fund Ireland to Rethink Ireland, Our Social Innovation Fund in July this year.