
Responding to SFDR Consultation Summary Report

A joint statement on tailoring the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) for impact, following the European Commission’s consultation summary report

Jana Bour |
Responding to SFDR Consultation Summary Report

Since coming up for public consultation, SFDR has prompted the impact investing community to band together in efforts to tailor the regulation. Now, the European Commission has issued a summary report of the consultation, and Impact Europe, National Advisory Boards and the Global Alliance for Impact Lawyers have responded in a joint statement:

We see widespread acknowledgment of impact investing within the EU Sustainable Finance policy framework and extensive support for the views that the coalition of impact investors put forward in response to the public consultation. These views were covered in a joint letter, published late last year, which included key recommendations on how SFDR could better support Europe’s impact investing ecosystem to reach UN Sustainable Development Goals and the EU’s just transition.

We strongly encourage the European Commission to carefully consider the outcomes of the public consultation when assessing the existing SFDR framework for revision. We call on the Commission to establish a voluntary categorisation system under the SFDR, recognising impact investments as a distinct category.  

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