How INGOs Do Impact Investing

International Non-Governmental Organisations (INGOs) have traditionally played a crucial role in addressing global challenges, providing humanitarian aid and fostering sustainable development. By leveraging their extensive networks, local knowledge and deep-rooted trust within communities, they have delivered critical services and implemented development projects in the world’s most underserved areas.
While INGOs engage in a broad range of activities, from traditional grant-making to impact investing, this report narrows its focus to their catalytic grant-making and impact investing initiatives. We seek to explore the motivations behind INGOs' interest in impact investing, showcasing different pathways available to do so, and shedding light on key challenges they might encounter, as well as opportunities to amplify their impact. The insights presented in this report are primarily based on in-depth interviews, conducted by Impact Europe, with ten INGOs, nine of which have their headquarters in Europe; additional desk research complemented these interviews.