Fighting energy poverty


EIC Prize Social Innovation


Planned opening date: 30 March 2023

Deadline: 30 May 2023 17:00:00 Brussels time

Evaluation timetable: June/July 2023

Financing type: Recognition Prize

Programme: European Innovation Council

Award of the Challenge Prize: Q4 2023 – Q1 2024

Budget: Challenge prize 3 winners EUR 150 000 (3x50 000)

Social Innovation Academia: Q3 2023 - Q1 2024

Budget Social Innovation Academia: EUR 50 000


Main objective

The European Social Innovation Competition 2023 will focus on ‘Fighting energy poverty’ – Repower EU. Against this background, the European Social Innovation Competition 2023 will support proposed solutions coming from social innovators to fight energy poverty in the broadest sense.

The European Social Innovation Competition aims at raising awareness about social innovation across a wide audience, sparking the creation of new socially innovative ideas creating a network of like-minded practitioners and supporting finalists to transform their ideas into structured businesses.


Who is eligible

The applicant must be a natural person or a legal entity established in one of the Member States (including overseas countries and territories, (OCTs)) or Associated Countries to Horizon Europe.


Rules of the contest


Financing Type:
Funding Theme:
Social inclusion
Target Geographies:
EU Member States
Associated countries