The aim of this call is to strengthen EURES, the European job mobility network that provides information, guidance and recruitment/placement services to employers, workers, jobseekers, and any citizen wishing to take advantage of freedom of movement for workers.
Main purpose: to serve as a guide towards efficient employment and social outcomes, the overall objective of this call for proposals is to ensure around 4 000 placements over the duration of the action in economic sectors with hard to fill vacancies.
- enhance the service catalogue of the EURES organisations;
- foster public-private partnerships and,
- address labour market needs in line with the bottom lines of the EURES reform;
- improve the conditions for jobseekers and workers to exercise their right of freedom of movement across the EU and to address labour markets' imbalances and skills shortages.
Programme: European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation ("EaSI") 2014-2020 - EURES axis (promoting workers' geographical mobility on a fair basis and boosting employment opportunities)
Institution: EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion DG
Budget: The total budget earmarked for the EU co-financing of projects under this call is estimated at EUR 14,973,768
Financing type:Grants requested should indicatively be between EUR 2,000,000 and 4,000,000, thus the Commission expects to fund 3 to 4 proposals.
Who is eligible: Only consortia are eligible. They must be composed of a minimum of two organisations (i.e. lead applicant and at least one co-applicant) established in at least two different EaSI-EURES participating countries.