Join us to learn more about two case studies of social investments in Central Eastern Europe.
In our efforts to help co-create the ecosystem in Central Eastern Europe, and along with our new series of leaflets on social investments in the region, we are organising a webinar on 3 October.
We will share the plans of CEE Social Investment Taskforce, then NESsT and Mozaik Foundation will present their case studies -giving us an update, explaining what challenges they have faced and what's next- followed by a Q/A session.
Roxana Damaschin-Tecu
Roxana is the Director of Portfolio in NESsT. She leads the NESsT portfolio of social enterprises worldwide and oversees the portfolio's benchmarking impact. She is responsible for managing the development of NESsT's methodology, as well as its validation and build to scale and performance measurement tools.
Prior to joining NESsT, Roxana worked at Pentru Voi Foundation, a civil society organization, where she implemented social enterprises, including a bakery employing individuals with intellectual disabilities. Roxana is an Eisenhower Fellow, has a bachelor's degree in European development studies with a concentration in social economy from West University in Timisoara, Romania. She was a post-graduate Socrates Mobility Scholar.
Dario Vins
Dario is an experienced investment manager with more than 20 years of professional experience in financial services. He manages the MIF II Impact Venture Fund and has previously deployed Mozaik Impact Fund, Regional Social Business Fund and Mozaik's Social Business Incubator.
Dario is an experienced investment manager with more than 20 years of professional experience in financial services. He manages the MIF II Impact Venture Fund and has previously deployed Mozaik Impact Fund, Regional Social Business Fund and Mozaik's Social Business Incubator. Dario's overall financial expertise spans from SME access-to-finance issues (lending, debt raising), to risk management and complex corporate finance transactions. He has previously held senior management and finance roles with IFIs (USTD, WB) and international corporate groups focusing on restructuring and management of diverse portfolios, capital investment projects, real estate, and alternative investments. Dario has also conducted a wide range of senior level financial consulting assignments in public finance, debt management, banking and insurance, investment analysis, and credit related services for bank and non-bank financial institutions and governments.
Ewa Konczal
Ewa Konczal joined Impact Europe in May 2014 and is the Market Building Lead. Ewa is spreading the knowledge about impact finance in Eastern Europe and MENA.
She manages the first Polish VP Fund Valores, initiative of PE community in Poland. Ewa has over 15 years of experience in social entrepreneurship as Representative of Ashoka in Poland and as Ashoka Director for Central and Eastern Europe.
Prior to Ashoka, Ewa worked in India with Global March Against Child Labor, and in Egypt with AIESEC and Egyptian-Polish Businessman Association. She has set up the Magic Mountain Foundation, using mountain sports and natural horsemanship as tools for change for people with disadvantages. Ewa is the recipient of the AIESEC Alumni Entrepreneurship & Leadership Award. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing and Management.