Safeguarding Impact Integrity Launch

| Convening | Online
Safeguarding Impact Integrity

During this webinar we will present our new research on "Safeguarding Impact Integrity".

Being an impact-driven organisation linked to a company is not easy. How can corporate foundations and impact investors deal with the inherent tensions that this relationship brings, and protect their societal mission from external influence? In other words, how can corporate social investors safeguard their impact integrity?

Our new research on "Safeguarding Impact Integrity" aims to answer those questions, and assess whether the impact integrity of your organisation might be at risk.

During this webinar, we discussed our new report as well as case studies that help understand the challenges linked to impact integrity, present best practices and outline various mitigation actions that corporate social investors can take to tackle these challenges.


Åsa Skogström Feldt

Åsa Skogström Feldt

Åsa Skogström Feldt is leading IKEA Social Entrepreneurship BV. Through investments in partnerships and programs they support social entrepreneurs all over the world, to create new opportunities for vulnerable people and communities, while fighting the root causes of poverty and inequality.

Åsa has a combination of business and NGO background. She has been the global President and CEO of The Hunger Project in New York and the CEO of The Hunger Project Sweden. 

She has also established social entrepreneurship in the supply chain at IKEA of Sweden, been the head of marketing for Sony Ericsson in Germany, corporate communications director for Aspiro and as marketing communications manager for Ericsson Mobile Communications in the Middle East and Africa. 

Throughout her carrier Åsa has focused on women empowerment; on board assignments, by co-founding two women organisations, in exchange programs and grass root activism around the world and in her everyday life.

Vincent Faber

Vincent Faber

Called by Trafigura to establish the Trafigura Foundation in 2008, Vincent still spearheads it today, guided by and putting into practice those same values which always drove his engagement in international and development issues.

A geophysicist engineer by background, Vincent Faber started his career in the oil industry and management consulting. In 1990, on the occasion of a sabbatical year, he gave a new orientation to his professional life and followed a humanitarian and development path, which took him to a countless number of countries, job positions and international organisations. Thanks to this experience that brought him to work both in the field and in headquarters, he acquired the conviction that fruitful and powerful synergies can be found when the non-profit and business worlds join forces.