Maximizing Catalytic Capital’s Leveraging Power

- 15.30-17.00 CET / 8.30-10.00 CT | Convening | Online
Leveraging Catalytic Capital

Join Impact Europe, in partnership with the Catalytic Capital Consortium (C3), for a webinar discussing how investors and other asset owners can maximise the power of catalytic capital. As the third and final installment in the series, this webinar will showcase findings from different research projects supported by C3 across three different regions and feature panel experts who will discuss key considerations and lessons learned from their recent research efforts. This body of work strengthens the evidence base on Catalytic Capital and focuses on answering questions such as when and how catalytic capital is needed, what role it plays, and the kind of results and impact it can help create. The webinar will draw out action-oriented findings and conclude with identifying best practices for investors in Europe and globally. 


Session Goals and Outcomes

>Showcase findings from  research projects across Eastern Europe, India and the US that C3 supported.
>Draw out action-oriented findings and identify best practices for investors in Europe and globally.


>Register here


Impact Europe is proud to partner with the C3 Grantmaking program in increasing the knowledge, awareness and use of Catalytic Capital among a diverse set of investors globally, with a focus on identifying and sharing best practices.


The series

C3 planned a series of investor webinars (hosted with C3's Network Partners) for C3's evidence-base grantees to present their research projects, including findings and insights from those projects, and engage with investors on the uses of catalytic capital around the world to help strengthen the evidence base for the field. The first webinar in this series was hosted by Mission Invest in March, featuring 4 of C3’s U.S.-focused Evidence Base grantees (video recording of MIE’s webinar can be found here). The second webinar in this series was hosted by AVPA in May, featuring 5 of C3’s Africa-focused Evidence Base grantees (video recording of AVPA’s webinar can be found here).

Read more about C3’s Evidence Base workstream here.

Line Up
  • Priya Krishnamoorthy, 200 Million Artisans
  • Jayshree Venkatesan, Center for Financial Inclusion 
  • Michael Brown, Impact Finance Research Consortium
  • Zsuzsanna Pósfai, Periferia
  • Sarah Kearney, Prime Coalition