How can investors for impact best work with crowdfunding platforms?

How can investors for impact best work with crowdfunding platforms?

Crowdfunding for impact e-talk #1

The objective of this E-Talk is to provide a brief introduction into the growing field of crowdfunding, and present selected use cases and examples to illustrate how investors for impact can work alongside crowdfunding platforms.

EVPA presented the new research piece "Accelerating the SDGs - The role of Crowdfunding in Investing for Impact".

In this webinar the crowdfunding platform explains how it has built a thriving ecosystem in France thanks to its collaboration with other investors for impact, such as INCO and BNP Paribas. The European Crowdfunding Network also shares the wider context of this fast growing segment.

Providing our members and practitioners in general with the opportunity to dive deeper into the topic, building knowledge and networks, this event was the first of a series of EVPA events on Crowdfunding for Impact.

Download slides here

  • Introductory remarks & highlights of research: EVPA
  • Market growth of crowdfunding: ECN
  • Case study:, INCO and BNP Paribas Asset Management
  • Q&A - moderated by EVPA
  • Next steps: EVPA

Francesca Passeri

Francesca Passeri

Francesca joined EUROCROWD in February 2016 having previously worked for the Emilia-Romagna Delegation to the EU. She is responsible for advocacy and for strategic development of EUROCROWD.

With a strong background in regional and local authorities as well as technical assistance, she is focused on exploring synergies and possibilities for the integration of crowdfunding into European Structural and Investment Funds. She holds a Master's Degree in International Relations from the University of Bologna, where she focused on researching the potential of crowdfunding for regional development from a European perspective. Francesca is a member of the Executive Board of EUROCROWD.

Jean-Sebastien Rabus

Jean-Sebastien Rabus

After a 10-year experience in financial audit (EY) and in a Transaction Services consulting firm, Jean-Sébastien joined Inco in 2019 as an Investment Director.

Since that date, he is in charge of a 10+ start-up portfolio management, actively participating in their respective boards. He also carries out and/or supervises due diligences targeting new portfolio company.

Thibault Hiller von Gaertringen

Thibault Hiller von Gaertringen

Thibault has a Master in Management and Social Entrepreneurship from ESSEC Business School. He has been working for more than 2-years as a financial analyst on Private Equity investments with a strong focus on social impact for BNP Paribas Asset Management, gaining experience in multiple sectors.

Pierre Schmidtgall

Pierre Schmidtgall

Pierre Schmidtgall is partner / late founder and head of investment at, the first responsible investment platform in Europe.

Located in France, Belgium, Italy and soon in Luxembourg. allows citizens, private investors and family office to become social shareholders of innovative socially and environmentally responsible companies. also works closely with vc and pe impact investing funds to help enterprises grow their business. Pierre graduated in finance from Edhec Business School and the University of Mannheim. He previously gained experiences in global wealth management at Merrill Lynch.

Arnau Picón Martínez

Arnau Picón Martínez

Arnau Picón is Knowledge and Learning Associate at Impact Europe. Since joining Impact Europe in February 2019, Arnau has conducted research on topics related to the impact ecosystem, such as impact measurement and management and the role of crowdfunding platforms within the impact sector.

Previously, Arnau worked in the Social Policy Area of a Local Government and in the communication sector as a journalist. He holds a Msc in Economic Development from the University of Glasgow and a Bachelor Degree in Journalism from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He speaks Spanish, Catalan, English and French.