Following the proposal from the European Commission, the EU is entering the European Year of Skills in 2023. Under the European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan, the EU committed to an ambitious target of at least 60% of all adults to be participating in training every year by 2030. These efforts reflect the need to address the skills mismatch in many European sectors to enable the economy's green, digital and inclusive transition.
To achieve this, the EU is catalysing investments in skills and education through financial instruments. That’s why EVPA is kicking off the first EU funding mentoring meet-up on this topic to guide social investors to benefit from these opportunities and scale their impact.
Join us to get a broader overview of the EU funding opportunities under ESF+ and InvestEU with the European Commission. The EIF teams will also present the InvestEU financial products dedicated to skills and education more in-depth and who is eligible for them. Let’s meet on Spatial Chat Platform where you can interact directly with peers and EU officials.
11.00: Introduction
11.10: Keynote by Marc Goffart, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, European Commission
11.20: InvestEU Skills & Education Guarantee by Zvonimir Ratkovski & Romana Stanciukaite, European Investment Fund (EIF)
12.00: InvestEU Equity Product by Cyril Gouiffes, Head of Social Impact Investments, EIF
12.20: Q&A
12.35: Networking
- Marc Goffart, European Commission
- Zvonimir Ratkovski, European Investment Fund (EIF)
- Romana Stanciukaite, European Investment Fund (EIF)
- Cyril Gouiffes, European Investment Fund (EIF)