The next CEE Webinar will explore pressure on banking from technology disruption, greater regulation and an ultra-low-interest-rate environment that has started prior to COVID-19 and has accelerated over the last year. What is the role of banks in financing the transition to a green economy and more just economy? Is the banking sector in CEE ready for more restrictive ESG reporting and new, more ethical solutions?
This webinar took place on 13 May 2021 and is the fifth session of our "Investing for Impact Webinar Series for CEE" - click here for more information about the webinar series.
What is this webinar about?
Before COVID-19, banking was already under pressure from technology disruption, greater regulation, and an ultra-low-interest-rate environment. Now, these trends have been accelerated, increasing the need for transformative change. Therefore, banks engage with the whole spectrum of stakeholders to play a critical role in financing the transition to a green economy and more fair economy. However, is the sector in the CEE region ready for more restrictive ESG reporting and new, more ethical solutions?
This webinar discusses the latest trends influencing the banking sector and shares case studies of products, services and solutions banks may offer to their individual and institutional clients. Our guests explain how the industry can positively contribute to society using the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris agreement and the EU sustainability-related disclosure in financial sector regulation, and what changes are necessary to move transformation forward.
Webinar Recording
Johann Heep
In the past, Johann has contributed to several financial inclusion projects in the field of micro-finance and social enterprise finance for Erste Group Bank AG.
Currently Johann is supporting his colleagues to grow their existing Social Banking activities or implement new initiatives locally e.g. Erste Bank Hungary piloting a social housing support scheme. He as well is managing ERSTE Foundation funds to support clients to increase their financial know-how and businesses capacities in all 7 Central and Eastern European markets of Erste Group.Additionally Johann takes care of the first Social Impact Bond set-up by Erste Social Finance being commissioned by the Austrian Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection. Due to COVID-19 related implications he established an 'interest free loan' COVID-19 funding support scheme for social organisations and social entrepreneurs.
Pedro M. Sasia Santos
During the last years, he has been board member of the Spanish Solidarity Economy Network and has developed an intense activity as researcher and consultant in the area of Business Ethics.
PhD in Polymer Chemistry from the University of the Basque Country. During 20 years developed his professional activity in the industrial sector, mainly in the fields of water treatment and occupational health. In 2004 took a position as researcher and professor of the Centre for Applied Ethics of the University of Deusto in Bilbao, where he teaches different topics in the fields of Professional Ethics, Organizational Ethics and Ethical Assessment. His research activities focus on Organizational Ethics, Economic alternatives and Solidarity economy. In May 2013, become first Spanish member of the board of Banca Popolare Etica (www.bancaetica.org) where he holds from May 2019 a vicepresidency. He has also been board member of the Federation of Ethical and Alternative Banks (www.febea.org), becoming president of the Federation in May 2017.
Author of the books "La empresa a contracorriente. Cuestiones de ética empresarial" (Mensajero, Bilbao. 2004), "Banca √âtica y Ciudadanía" (Trotta, Madrid 2008) and "la perspectiva √âtica" (Tecnos, Madrid. 2018).
Wlodzimierz Grudzinski
Włodzimierz Grudziński is the Polish Bank Association Advisor, Vice President of European Federation of Ethical and Alternative Banks and Financiers and he was also a chairman of the Supervisory Board of TISE SA.
Włodzimierz Grudziński has over 30 years of experience in banking as a co-founder and for 17 years (1990-2007) the CEO of the Bank of Social and Economic Initiatives (BISE) SA, which was one of the pioneers of financing SMEs, local governments, social economy and housing communities.
Co-founder and 12-year-old member of the Management Board of the Polish Bank Association (in 2001 - 2009, its Vice-Chairman) actively involved in the construction and development of the Polish banking sector. Since 2009 he has been an adviser to the Management Board of the Polish Bank Association.
Eric Buckens
Eric Buckens is Director ABN AMRO Social Impact Investments. He has been leading the ABN AMRO Social Impact Fund since 2012, a venture capital fund that invests in social enterprises and innovative instruments, such as social impact bonds.
Within ABN AMRO Bank he also chairs the SE Platform in which the bank's efforts on social impact and social enterprises are coordinated, and has been involved in the developments of social impact since 2008 both inside and outside the bank. He was a board member of the Dutch Board of Oikocredit, one of the leading international microfinance organisations, for 7 years.
In total, Eric has over 27 years of experience in international finance, of which 7 years in Asia. As an investment professional, he has worked in asset management for 12 years and in private wealth management for 8 years. In total, he has over 10 years of experience in private equity and venture capital.
Ewa Konczal
Ewa Konczal joined Impact Europe in May 2014 and is the Market Building Lead. Ewa is spreading the knowledge about impact finance in Eastern Europe and MENA.
She manages the first Polish VP Fund Valores, initiative of PE community in Poland. Ewa has over 15 years of experience in social entrepreneurship as Representative of Ashoka in Poland and as Ashoka Director for Central and Eastern Europe.
Prior to Ashoka, Ewa worked in India with Global March Against Child Labor, and in Egypt with AIESEC and Egyptian-Polish Businessman Association. She has set up the Magic Mountain Foundation, using mountain sports and natural horsemanship as tools for change for people with disadvantages. Ewa is the recipient of the AIESEC Alumni Entrepreneurship & Leadership Award. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing and Management.
Marta Lesiewska
Founder of INSPIRED, niche consulting and advisory consultancy, specializing in environment, sustainability, and governance (ESG).
Founder of INSPIRED, niche consulting and advisory consultancy, specializing in environment, sustainability, and governance (ESG). Communications and sustainability expert. She gained her strategic and management experience while working at public relations and 360 marketing agencies - Publicis Consultants Rowland, MSL and Walk Group. She planned and managed 90+marketing campaigns for more than 60 brands and dozens of strategic sustainability projects for leading firms and stakeholders engagement processes. Alumni of Swedish Institute Management Program in Corporate Responsibility (Stockholm, Sweden), Kozminski University in Responsible Business Strategy (Warsaw, Poland) and Executive MBA at Imperial College Business School (London, UK) candidate.
Stanislaw Kastory
Stanisław Kastory is a co-founder of Firlej Kastory - family investment firm implementing impact strategy in VC investments.
Before establishing Firlej Kastory Stanisław worked as a M&A lawyer in Domański Zakrzewski Palinka - one of the biggest law firms in Poland. During his time at DZP, Stanisław established and led DZP Future, a project aimed at developing collaboration with early stage technology companies.