Budget: €99.3 billion
ESF+ investment target areas
The ESF+ finances actions in the areas of employment, education and skills, and social inclusion, guiding 11 objectives. In all its investments, the ESF+ will promote the horizontal principles of gender equality, respect for fundamental rights, equal opportunities and non-discrimination.
Who is implementing the ESF+?
The ESF+ is implemented under shared management for the ESF+ implemented by national/regional authorities, direct management for the EaSI strand of ESF+ and indirect management for the ESF Social Innovation+.
What are the types of funding?
Grants, procurements and financial instruments.
Who can apply?
Social investors, EU public and private organisations, non-governmental organisations, EU citizens, young people and children and people from vulnerable groups.
Good to know
The ESF+ integrates and replaces four European funds from the programming period of 2014-20, such as the former European Social Fund (ESF), the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI), the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) and the EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI).